Case Study

Adityo Setiawan, a fisheries technical manager, utilized the Framework for Integrated Stock and Habitat Evaluation (FISHE) Tool to develop an adaptive management plan for the Blue Swimming Crab fishery in Lampung Province, Indonesia. A large group of stakeholders – government officials, fishers, processors, NGOs, and academics – used FISHE as a step-by-step framework to work through the complex process of establishing the management plan.

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FISHE provides the step by step, clear guidance so that we won’t get lost through the process. It can be applied in very data-limited fisheries and can involve all stakeholders in the process.

Adityo Setiawan

Adityo Setiawan: “I am a Fisheries Technical Manager for EDF in Indonesia. I’m based in Jakarta and have been working on fisheries projects with EDF for the past four years. My work involves implementation of fishery projects, organizing data collection, data analysis, and stakeholder engagement. In the Blue Swimming Crab (BSC) fishery in Lampung Province, I have been working on the implementation phase of the FISHE Tool.

FISHE in Action

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FISHE provides a step-by-step framework to develop a fisheries management plan, with explanations and clear guidance for each step.

Adityo Setiawan

Advice from the User

Adit: “Many people think that the first step of fisheries management is collecting stock data. With FISHE you actually start with what you already have, incorporating the knowledge of the local stakeholders, especially fishermen, since they’re the ones who experience any changes in the waters. Since FISHE is adaptive, you can bring in qualitative information to start and make assessments based on that. Then you can adapt later on, but you don’t need to start with quantitative stock data.

It’s good to make sure you learn about and understand the whole FISHE process before beginning the step-by-step process. 

FISHE is a long process so it’s important to have a very good facilitator who can keep the stakeholders engaged. The FISHE process makes our work easier as a facilitator because in each step there’s already guidance developed. I generally recommend that you have good support in terms of resources and facilitators to help keep things moving along.